Newsletter No.1

Newsletter No.1

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

The Bible begins with the words “In the beginning God created…” Creation Matters North-West (CMNW) was set up in 2005 to help people to realise that science actually aligns with what is written in the Bible, and that there is strong evidence to support concepts such as incredibly detailed design (fearfully and wonderfully made), a catastrophic flood (covering the whole earth), and a created order that is relatively young. We are told in our education establishments and in the media that science has an alternative view regarding the beginning. To what extent is that view based on the need to exclude God? We have a confidence that God has given us an eyewitness account in His Word, and we need to be confident to trust the Word of God.

Over the last decade, we have been able to invite a number of eminent speakers to take meetings in Cumbria with the aim of helping people to understand the harmony between Science and Creation. We have tried to cover a diversity of subjects, with different speakers and at a number of venues, hoping to reach as wide an audience as is practicable. As Christians we know that Satan is seeking to undermine our faith by casting doubt regarding the reliability of parts of the Scriptures. We need to know both what we believe, and why we believe it, in order to be able to answer the doubts of others. There is no doubt that “Creation” is one of the key battlegrounds in the spiritual warfare of our day.

If you have supported our meetings in the past, can I on behalf of the CMNW committee thank you for your support and request your continued support in the future. As a general rule, we are now only sending out information electronically (by e-mail) and via churches as postage costs are too high. We hope that this does not cause you too many problems. We can use other methods (e.g. text messages, etc.) if you provide the necessary information. We do need help on the committee and would be delighted if you would join us. If you have any ideas regarding potential speakers, subjects or venues, we are keen to hear from you.

Our plans for the next few meetings are:
Friday 17th October 2014 at Trinity Baptist Church Maryport (7.30 pm) Dominic Statham speaking on “Back to the Beginning; Genesis and modern science”

Planned meetings for 2015 (Details to be confirmed):
Fridays 13th & 20th March. At Cockermouth & Carlisle. Creation related DVD
Saturday 9th May. Two meetings @ 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Venue possibly Carlisle. Andy McIntosh.
Friday & Saturday 9th & 10th, or 16th & 17th October. Speaker, subjects & venues to be confirmed.

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