Newsletter No. 6

Newsletter No. 6

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

CMNW is now in its 15th year and we thank everyone who has supported this work both by attendance or financially. Our aim has always been to share the science that convincingly supports Creation, and to point people to the God who made everything.

Living in a large county with a small population is challenging and we have sought to host meetings regularly in both West and North Cumbria. Our geographical remoteness often determines when speakers can come, and which venues they will attend. This has meant recently that a higher proportion of speakers have opted for Carlisle in preference to West Cumbria. We are trying very hard to redress that balance.

Financial constraints mean that we can only fund about 2 speaker-led meetings per year and have often held DVD meetings especially when funds are low. Sadly, attendance at some meetings has been poor, suggesting that we are not meeting the needs of our support base. We acknowledge that some of our events clash with meetings at your own churches or with holiday commitments, but we are constrained by the availabilities of visiting speakers. We also accept that some of the science may be daunting, but most speakers try to present difficult concepts in a simple way.

The DVD meetings have generally had disappointing attendances despite the content of the DVD being interesting and well presented. We note that these have sometimes been held in smaller or more remote venues. In 2019 we will not host a DVD meeting mainly because we have not found a suitable DVD to present. We have not abandoned the idea of hosting DVD events, but we are proposing a change:

  • When we have a suitable DVD available, we plan to make this known to our supporters to enable them to host events at their CMNW could provide any necessary support, including advertising such events through our website ( and mailing list.
  • If you are interested in hosting such an event, please contact us at: [email protected]

To continue our ministry, we need an increase in our support and help with reaching a wider audience. You can help with this by either joining the CMNW committee or sharing ideas with us via our e-mail address:  [email protected]

We would value feedback regarding past speakers, especially those whom you would like to hear again (the recent ones are listed on the website and a full list is available on request). We would also like to know any reasons you had for not attending some meetings, especially if we are constantly clashing with other commitments you have.  We have tried to host most meetings on either a Friday evening or on Saturdays, but are these the most suitable for most people?

The CMNW website ( is worth a regular visit, as we try to advertise our own (and if appropriate other people’s) Creation-related meetings. We also have some Creation resources for sale which will be available through the website.

On behalf of the CMNW committee, I wish you a spiritually fruitful year in 2019, and look forward to seeing you at our meetings during the year.

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Our planned meetings for the coming year are:

Saturday 18th May
2 meetings at Carlisle taken by Steve Lloyd (BCM) – full details to follow

Autumn 2019
1 or 2 meetings in West Cumbria – details yet to be confirmed