Professor Andy Mcintosh – 4.00 pm & 6.00 pm Saturday 4th March 2023

Professor Andy Mcintosh – 4.00 pm & 6.00 pm Saturday 4th March 2023

Click on images to download poster and invites

2 Presentations on:

4pm – The Wonder of Hearing

The intricate design of the ear with minute and detailed engineering transporting acoustic waves through air, bone, liquid, membrane and hairs to become electrical signals to go to the brain… A totally awe-inspiring example of irreducible complexity, design and purpose.

6pm – The Wonder of Migration

What does migration in birds (and insects) reveal about their Designer? Birds remarkably not only know where to go, but how much food (fuel) to eat to get there, but also a number of birds leave their young on long journeys that the young make later having never been there before!

at Emmanuel Church, Workington

Click here for the Church Website

Church Location: Vulcans Lane, Workington, Cumbria, CA14 2ND

Personal Information

About Professor Andy McIntosh

Professor Andy McIntosh DSc, FIMA, CMath, FEI, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS is a Research Professor at the University of Leeds. Now retired from full time work, his time is now spent concentrating on speaking and writing on the importance of origins. He stands firmly on a conviction that not only a true understanding of the Bible, but also the scientific evidence strongly indicates the truth of special Creation.

He is convinced that a straightforward understanding of Genesis concerning a 6 literal day Creation followed by the rebellion of a real Adam and Eve as recorded in Genesis 3 is the cause of death and suffering in our present world, with a worldwide Flood causing most of the geology and fossils which are evident in most parts of the World.

Andy travels widely with the Creation message in the UK, Eastern Europe, Asia, the United States  and other countries. For more information by Prof Andy McIntosh please visit his website –

Car Parking

car park

Car Parking Details

Please note:

  • Parking on Vulcan’s Lane is restricted to 1 hour from 8:30AM to 6PM
  • The Multi-story car park shuts at 6:30pm

Suggested car parks:

Central Car Park
303 available spaces
Mon-Sun – All day

2 Hours-£2.90
4 Hours-£4.10
6 Hours-£4.70

Brow Top Car Park
231 available spaces
Mon-Sun – All day

2 Hours-£2.90
4 Hours-£4.10
6 Hours-£4.70

Other Car Parks

Gray Street Car Park & New Oxford Street Car Park

These are private car parks and managed privately.

Allerdale House Car Park
Mon-Sun – All day

2 Hours-£2.90
4 Hours-£4.10
6 Hours-£4.70